Analytical hypnotherapy-psychotherapy to transform your life

A fusion of transformational Western and Eastern healing for mind body and spirit

Analytical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy

Hello and thank you for visiting my website, my name is Kerry Morgan

If you have found your way here its likely you are ready to make changes.

I  am here to help you. It is the first step that requires the most courage.

Once the intention is set to facilitate change the process can begin. We can work together as client and therapist both committed and invested equally towards healing and living the life you deserve.

I am client led and work at your pace to implement small changes which in turn help us to deal with fear pain anxiety sadness with life changing results.

I am passionate about healing and as an adjunct to the analytical therapy I can offer meditation and mindfulness techniques along with (pranayama) breathing practices to enhance your healing.  I can also offer reiki as a fully qualified master Theta healing and healing codes, if you are guided towards addition healing modalities. I can draw upon a wide range of therapeutically strategies for bespoke healing. I have now dedicated my career to working with a truly individual bespoke service for both adults and children.